This could be done by calling Type.GetType("typename"), but this will only work if the type in question is COM visible. For example,
Dim oExcell as Object = Type.GetType("Excel.Application")
is the typical way of getting a reference to an Excel object. But if you want to create an instance of a custom class, there's a lot of complexity that you will need to add to your project. Why can't it just work? (How many times have I found myself asking *that* question?) The following is a concise alternative that will solve the problem.
Here, we have a number of different report classes all based on a common base class. The PrintJobReportFactory class will return the correct instance based on a string.
While most of the time, using hard-coded strings to control program flow impedes scalability, as Tom Cruise said "You know, Bill, there's one thing I learned in all my years. Sometimes you just gotta say, "What the ...".
Of course, he also said "Porche, there is no substitute" to which I would answer with "Mustang GT 500".
Public Class PrintJobReportFactory
Public Shared Function GetReportInstance(ByVal type As String) As PrintJobBase
Dim retVal As PrintJobBase = Nothing
Select Case type
Case "WebDenialsStud"
retVal = New WebDenial()
Case "WebDenialsCoBor"
retVal = New WebDenial()
Case "WebCertifications"
retVal = New WebCertification()
Case "WebApprovals"
retVal = New WebDisclosers()
Case Else
retVal = Nothing
End Select
Return retVal
End Function
End Class
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